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SURVISHNO 2023 announcement
It is our pleasure to announce the next edition of SURVISHNO, as a subevent of the ResonanceConference that will be held from the 10th to the 13th of july 2023 in Toulouse, France.
SURVISHNO is a joint organization of the conferences Surveillance, VISHNO (Vibration Shocks and Noise) and EVA (Experimental Vibration Analysis), which aims at bringing together actors -- researchers, scientists and industry professionals -- in the fields of vibrations, structural dynamics, and health monitoring.The conference will provide a forum for the most recent advances in these fields as well as a unique opportunity for interacting in a collegial atmosphere.
The Resonance Conference aims at gathering three subevents with a unit of time and place :
SURVISHNO (SURVeillance, VIbration, SHocks and NOise)
JISFA ( Industry Days of the French Acoustical Society)
JJCAB (Young Researchers in Acoustics, Vibration and Noise)
Sessions will be organized parallelly for the different events, that will share social events, exhibition, breaks, plenary lectures and round tables.
Call for papers
Please submit your SURVISHNO abstract proposal (350 words max) on the dedicated page: